Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8th Post

Welcome back!

This week I will be discussing the topic of online shopping. For me, I love to shop online. It's probably because I'm lazy, but if you like me too you may think to yourself, 'How do I shop responsibly online?' Well good news for you, I found an article about 10 tips that will help you shop safer online. Upon reading this article, the 10 tips to shop online safely are as follow,
1. Stay away from fishy-looking websites; which could mean any sketchy browsing link or having multiple pop ups.
2. Avoid clicking on hyperlinks embedded in emails; that is very risky because 9 times of out 10 it's either a virus or spam. 
3. Shop on secure websites only; if there is a lock at the top of the link that means the website is secure.
4. Never, ever give you SS on a website; that is just asking for trouble because that can lead to identity theft. 
5. Take advantage of the automatic identity-theft protection that comes with many credit cards. That's one reason to use your credit card instead of debit cards or cash while shopping. If you see erroneous charges on your statement, you can call your credit card company, which should investigate on your behalf.
6. Change up you passwords; keeping one password for all medias is a bad idea because that means easy access to your information. 
7. Review your rights
8. Wield that cell phone carefully
9. Avoid strangers on social media
10. Don't click on fake e-cards
I hope this helped because it help educate me to shop more responsibly. A lot of people get scammed on the internet so that's why it's important to protect yourself. 

Kimberly Palmer
Oct. 30, 2013

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