Saturday, September 24, 2016

September 24th Post

Welcome back to my blog!

This week I'm going to write (type) about a more serious topic. The topic is about binge eating, which is an eating disorder where the person consumes a substantial amount of food in one sitting. Usually people with disorder use food as an out or way to express their emotions. This article really hit home for me because I still to this day struggle with my weight and eating habits. So this article was a fantastic read. It started with a narration of the person that was struggling with the disorder and the way food made them feel. After deep thought and consideration they realized that their eating habits weren't going to cut it anymore. Then the article went into given sound information about the disorder and how to obtain help. It gave tips such as asking for help, and setting up a plan on how to get back to normalcy. All in all the author makes you feel empowerment after reading, as well as educate about the disorder. This article was a great read, you should give it a glance!

Jane E. Brody
February 20, 2007

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17th Post

This week I found an article about the infamous Honey Bunches of Oats. Which is a cereal that mainly consists of grains (unless you get the ones that contain fruit). I was having a little trouble decided on what to write about this week, but I was sitting at the table enjoying a bowl of HBoO like I do everyday. I have ate this cereal every morning for the past year and half. So I asked myself if this cereal was actually healthy. I knew that I was better then eating a whole box of pop-tarts, but was unaware if it would actually benefit me health wise. The article provides what is wrong with the cereal and what benefits it contains. For example, HBoO lacks in fiber and has a slight high in sugars, but the article also says HBoO does have needed vitamins such as iron and vitamin B. This article isn't the longest article but it help educate me. After reading this article, I think I'm going to take a break from HBoO for a while and switch to oatmeal.

Sandi Busch
January 17, 2014

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 10th Post

This week I read an article about "how to quit" a job that you just started. I chose this article because about a week or two ago I accepted a job that I thought would be a good fit for me... but i was wrong. I dislike this job so much already. It's not so much the people as it is the job. I even took a pay cut from my last job, but enough about me. Back to the article, it's about a woman and man having a conversation about how this guy named Charlie had made a mistake accepting a job he thought he would prefer. But as you continue reading the article you see this conversation progress to where he ends up quitting his job. I mainly read to get an idea if I get another offer that I can "properly" quit my new job.

Article by: Liz Ryan
March 30, 2015 1:13 pm