Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dec. 3rd Post

Welcome back,

As my final blog post I wanted to talk about Christmas music! Because now it's December and it's acceptable in society to listen to Christmas music. Even though I have occasionally listen to it since November 1st. Anyways, I found an article about the best Christmas music out there! It will help you get into the Christmas mood if you are feeling uninspired. Based on the article the top 12 Christmas albums/songs are as followed..
12. Christmas with the Chipmunks
11. Home for Christmas by Amy Grant
10. A Fresh Air Christmas
9. A Very Special Christmas
8. Christmas with the Beach Boys (love this album by the way!)
7. Christmas Eve and Other Stories
6. Song for Christmas
5. Christmas Portrait
4. Michael Buble Christmas (of course!)
3. Elvis's Christmas Album
2. The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole
1. White Christmas by Bing Crosby

In my opinion, I kinda agree with this list but there are differently some better Christmas songs/albums. I wrote this so people could maybe find enjoyment, because I sure did!

Top 10 Reviews
No Date

Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 26th Post

Welcome Back!

This week I'll be discussing the infamous Black Friday. I unfortunately I was unable to be a shopper because I had to work Black Friday, but I was curious to see how much us Americans spend on Black Friday on average. Based on the article I found the 2016 statistics aren't out just yet, but from 2014 the average person spent $308. (PER PERSON!) That is an abundance of money spent on one person alone. Also in 2014 the total amount of money spent was around $50.9 million. In 2015 the average person spent $299, which is better than 2014 but still a lot. The 2015 stats aren't out for the total spent, but nevertheless us Americans love to shop! Anyways I found this article to educate me about sales and to feed my curiosity. It's a quick read but interesting, 10/10 recommend.

November 24th, 2016
Kimberly Amadeo

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Nov. 19th Post

Welcome Back!

This week I found an article about the top 100 best Christmas movies, now I'm not going to list all 100 but I'll name the top 20. Here are some movies if you are looking to get into the Christmas mood. This article was just for my entertainment, it also helped me find some Christmas movies I wanted to see too.
20. A Christmas Tale
19. Meet John Doe
18. Die Hard
17. Joyex Noel
16. Remember The Night
15. Elf
14. A Christmas Carol
13. Dr. Suess' How the Grinch Stole Christmas
12. The Nightmare Before Christmas
11. Frosty the Snowman
10. A Charlie Brown Christmas
9. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
8. A Christmas Story
7. Holiday Inn
6. Home Alone
5. Babes in Toy land
4. It's A Wonderful Life
3. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
2. The Muppet Christmas Carol
1. Miracle on 34th Street

Matt Patches
No Date

Nov. 12th Post

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This week I found a recent article in the spirit of Thanksgiving. It's kind of like last weeks post with a spin. The article is called "Here's What the Average American Spends on Thanksgiving Dinner," which basically talks about we tend to spend more money on food for the holidays then we need. This article further goes into saying to stop overpaying for food then transitions to better ways we could utilize our money, then ended on a note about annual income. It is a fairly short read about a page or so, but it was a good choice to educate me about money we spend on the holidays. I'm also really into the holidays if you can't already tell.

Maurie Backman
November 13, 2016

Nov. 5th Post

Welcome Back!

This week I'll be discussing something the every one is excited for, which is Thanksgiving! I found an article about the average amount a person consumes on turkey day. In the article "How Many Calories Do We Really Eat at Thanksgiving," Tara Parker-Pope paints a statistically picture of on the average amount people tend to eat on Thanksgiving. Based on information provided by the article, it says that the average American can consume up to 4,500 calories or more! Wow. That is a lot of calories, but if you look at it from the perspective that most people only do this a couple of times in the year then it's alright. This article is fairly small and a quick read, but nevertheless it does provided with the information I was looking for. I was always curious about how much people eat on the holidays, because I know for me I eat a lot too. So I believe this article educated me about the calorie intake of an average American at Thanksgiving. I think I'm just also excited for Thanksgiving!

Tara Parker-Pope
November 12, 2012

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 29th Post

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This week I'm going to be festive and discuss an article that I came across a couple weeks ago and thought it fit the theme of Halloween. This article is about a the infamous 'Jeepers Creepers' film, which the movie itself is about a creature that emerges every 23 years for 23 days ans preys on people he takes an interest in. Although this movie is fictional, there is parts of it that are based on real events. Like the opening scene, where Trish and Darry stubble across what looks the be a man dumping a body in an old church shoot, then after spotted the creature follows them down a long country road. Weird enough, this scene is actually a work of non-fiction. That scene is actually based on Dennis DePue. Matt says, "While the factual details almost mirror the details of the film, it actually wasn’t DePue himself that inspired the film so much as it was the testimony of two eyewitnesses who saw him dump the body, a la Darry and Trish and their eyeballing of the Creeper."  The article later adds further insight and evidence about the inspired events. Nevertheless, I thought this article was an interesting read that gave me chills. You should check it out!

Happy Halloween!

By: Matt (no last name provided)
Horrorfreak News

October 22nd Post

Welcome Back!

Even though Christmas is two months away, this week in my blog I'll be discussing an article about how people spend during Christmas (on average). I was really interested in this article because I first started purchasing gifts for my family about two years ago, and the first year I bought gifts was horrible. Being who I am, I spent nearly $800 dollars on the whole family. Which I crazy if you think about it. Being sixteen and not concerned about any sales or deals that could have went on, I blindly spent more money then I needed to. The article "Here's How Much People Actually Spend On Christmas Gifts by Lauren Martin" says, according to a November poll that Gallup conducted the average shopper intends to spend about $800 in general but ends up spending about $1000. To me personally I find it so interesting that people spend so much on gifts. Don't get me wrong though I love to give, especially because Christmas is my favorite holiday. Just from reading this article makes me want to be more aware of what I'm spending this Christmas! Last Christmas I did better only spending around $500, but this year I only plan on around $300. We'll see how that goes...

By: Lauren Martin
December 18, 2015